
IOM Applauds Iraq's Decision to "Champion" the Global Compact on Migration 

Baghdad — The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomes Iraq’s decision to express solidarity with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the United Nations Network on Migration by joining the Champion countries initiative.

The GCM is the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement covering all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner. The UN Network on Migration supports the international community's efforts towards the implementation of the GCM.

As a GCM Champion country, Iraq will demonstrate support for the GCM through leadership and engagement in multilateral processes. Iraq joins a growing list of other countries (18) that have voluntarily joined this initiative; in the MENA region, Iraq now stands alongside Morocco — where the GCM was adopted in 2018.

Iraq’s declaration as a GCM Champion country came during the Regional Review of the Global Compact for Migration in the Arab region this week, where governments across the region took stock of progress in the implementation of the GCM.

The conference was convened by the League of Arab States, IOM and UNESCWA in collaboration with the members of the Regional United Nations Network on Migration and will result in a Progress Declaration highlighting best practices and common challenges in implementing the GCM. The Progress Declarations from regional conferences will set the agenda for a global summit on the GCM, the International Migration Review Forum in 2022.

“The GCM is a crucial framework for migration governance,” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Gerard Waite. “In becoming a GCM Champion country, Iraq is demonstrating its ongoing commitment to strengthening migration management for the socioeconomic benefit of all.”

Under the auspices of the UN Network on Migration, launched in Iraq this month, IOM and other UN Agencies will support implementation, follow-up and review of the GCM through the 2020 Iraq National Migration Management Strategy.

IOM Iraq’s work in support of the government’s migration and integrated border management capacity is supported by the Governments of the United States, Canada and Australia, and the European Union.


For more information, please contact IOM Iraq’s Public Information Unit, Tel: +964 751 402 2811, Email: iraqpublicinfo@iom.int

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