
Japan Donates USD 4 Million to IOM Iraq to Assist Displaced Iraqis, Syrians

Iraq - The Government of Japan is providing a total of USD 4 million to IOM Iraq to support internally displaced Iraqis and Syrian refugees. This contribution will support IOM’s response to the current humanitarian and displacement crisis in the country and will fund two projects over 12 months.

Some USD 3.5 million will be used to help internally displaced people through the IOM project: Integrated Emergency Response and Community Revitalization Plan for IDPs, Returnees and Host Communities across Iraq.

The project will focus on building transitional shelters from local materials for IDPs and returnee communities; providing primary, maternal and child health care through mobile medical teams to communities that have limited access to health services; and conducting community-based social cohesion activities.

The latter will include peacebuilding and traditional mediation practices, and will focus on empowering community groups and will ensure the active participation of women, youth and ethno-religious minorities. This project will also incorporate use of materials donated by Japan, including eyeglasses, provided to displaced Iraqi children. 

Another USD 500,000 will be used to help vulnerable Syrian refugee and host community households in Iraq through another IOM project: Emergency and Livelihood Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Iraq.

Activities will include school transportation for Syrian refugee children and the provision of vocational skills and business training, income generating activities through involvement in co-operatives, and the rehabilitation of shared community infrastructure, in line with the Syrian Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) in Iraq.

These projects align with IOM’s strategy to provide support to the most vulnerable groups across Iraq in close cooperation with humanitarian partners, and will build on IOM’s experience in Iraq of more than a decade in providing humanitarian assistance and community revitalization support. 

IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss said: “We greatly appreciate the Government of Japan’s ongoing support towards IOM’s response to the IDP and Syrian refugee crises. Those suffering displacement require a range of life-saving services. We look forward to continuing efforts, in cooperation with the UN Country Team, other humanitarian partners and the Government of Iraq, to strengthen our response to assist Iraqis affected by the current crisis, as well as Syrian refugees who require further support in light of the protracted crisis in Syria.”

For further information please contact Sandra Black at IOM Iraq, Tel: +964 751 234 2550, Email: sblack@iom.int

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