
IOM Iraq Publishes Community Stabilization Handbook

Iraq - IOM Iraq’s Community Stabilization Handbook, published last week, provides an overview of the situation in 15 Iraqi governorates, including 51 communities, and of the achievements of IOM’s Transition and Recovery initiatives in Iraq.

More than 3 million Iraqis are currently displaced by the crisis, which began in January 2014. The presence of displaced persons places additional pressure on public services, including health, education and infrastructure in host communities. The displacement and the effect of the conflict cause hardship for communities and individuals, who both must cope with uncertain economic and social conditions.

The governorate profiles present data including demographics, displacement trends, security, socio-economic conditions and public services, shelter type and needs of displaced families. The book is divided into chapters covering a majority of Iraq's governorates.

Data was gathered through assessments during 2015 to 2016 under the Community Revitalization Programme (CRP). IOM targeted 51 communities across 15 governorates of Iraq. The program is funded by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and carried out in co-operation with the Government of Iraq and local authorities.

The community profiles provide additional specific information, gathered by IOM staff during field assessments, including population breakdown, and information on the sectors of health care, education, public infrastructure, social welfare, the economy and employment.

Data for the community profiles was gathered through conversations of IOM field staff with community leaders, local government representatives, focus group discussions with community members and by using direct observations to identify the services needed.

The community profiles include an overview of completed interventions under Community Revitalization Programme (CRP phase V) in each community in the sectors of: livelihoods assistance, small infrastructure projects and social cohesion. Each community profile highlights resources, vulnerabilities, and recommendations for future projects.

IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss stated: “As the crisis in Iraq continues, sustained efforts are required to support the livelihoods of displaced Iraqis, returnees and host communities, and to assist communities that are hosting large numbers of displaced Iraqis. The Community Stabilization Handbook contributes to the knowledge available to humanitarian partners, government representatives and academics, to better understand the situation of these communities.”

Since 2006, through its Community Revitalization Programme and predecessor project, IOM has been supporting Iraqi individuals and their communities in efforts to support the recovery of local economies, improve access to essential services, promote good governance, increase human capital – ultimately contributing to stability of Iraq through enhancing resilience and promoting social cohesion. In light of the crisis in Iraq, IOM CRP aims to go beyond supporting the populations’ immediate needs, by implementing a comprehensive community transition and recovery approach, and aims to foster social cohesion by improving socio-economic conditions.

The handbook can be accessed at:

IOM’s strategy also includes the Rapid Recovery Programme (RRP), which aims to provide immediate support to basic and often life-saving infrastructure and emergency livelihoods, in direct response to the urgent needs caused by the Mosul offensive. The RRP lays the groundwork for further recovery programming in conflict-affected areas.

The IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Emergency Tracking has identified nearly 154,000 individuals who are still currently displaced by Mosul operations; the cumulative total of displaced since 17 October 2016 to date is more than 199,000 individuals. The majority (78 percent) are from Mosul district in Ninewa governorate.

The latest DTM Emergency Tracking figures on displacement from Mosul operations are available at: http://iraqdtm.iom.int/EmergencyTracking.aspx.

Please click to download the latest:
IOM Iraq DTM Mosul Operations – Factsheet:

IOM Iraq DTM Mosul Operations – Data Snapshot:

IOM Iraq DTM Mosul Corridor Displacement Analysis:

For further information, please contact IOM Iraq, Sandra Black, Tel. +964 751 234 2550, Email: sblack@iom.int

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