
Migration and Displacement in Iraq Conference, April 19-21, 2017

The International Organization for Migration‭ (‬IOM‭), the University of Kurdistan Hewler (UKH), and Georgetown University's Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM), were pleased to have organized the‭ ‬“Migration and Displacement in Iraq” conference, which took place from April 19-21 ‬in Erbil‭, ‬Iraq‭. ‬

The conference focused on various aspects of forced migration‭, ‬such as durable solutions and the end of displacement‭, ‬early recovery and stabilization‭, ‬livelihood‭, ‬social cohesion and transitional justice‭, ‬conflict resolution and violence reduction‭, ‬house land and property‭.‬ Please click here to download the conference programme. 

This co-hosted event was financed by the Bureau of Population‭, ‬Refugees and Migration of the US State Department‭.‬

Objectives of the Conference‭: ‬

•‭ ‬To share research findings on IDPs and returnees with relevant stakeholders

•‭ ‬To meet and network with relevant stakeholders in the field and inform local institutions of the research work done by humanitarian and development actors‭ ‬

•‭ ‬To offer government counterparts information that can be used it to produce an evidence-based road map for the alleviation and‭ ‬progressive resolution of internal displacement in the country‭. ‬

Click below links to watch videos of the sessions and the pdf format of researche presentationsgiven at each session:

Session 1: Internal Displacement and Durable Solutions - video not available

Session 2: Returning IDPs and Obstacles to Return

Session 3: International Migration

Special Session: Insider Stories

Session 4: Identities and Protection

Session 5: Social Cohesion

Session 6: Governance

Session 7: Transitional Justice and De-Mobilisation

Session 8: Closing panel: Displacement in Iraq

For questions about the conference please contact:


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