
IOM Iraq Videos Target Health, Shelter in Communities Affected by Mosul Displacement

Iraq - IOM Iraq’s Communications with Communities (CwC) team has developed three new community engagement videos to train staff and raise awareness among displaced people living inside and out of camps.

The videos are funded by the European Union’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO), through an IOM project: “Integrated Emergency Response Programme to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable conflict-affected populations across Central Iraq”.

Two videos are health-related and aim to raise awareness of polio vaccination and treatment of scabies. Both of these diseases are health concerns in the camps, and for those living in informal shelter situations.  Scabies affects many displaced people, and resurgence of polio is an ongoing risk. The scabies video was produced in collaboration with International Medical Corps, which is a co-lead for the Health Cluster.

The third video offers training for setting up Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs).  It targets new humanitarian staff and displaced people alike, providing a first-of-its-kind resource for public use. Since mid-June IOM Iraq has distributed over 3,800 emergency sealing-off and shelter kits to families displaced by military operations in the Mosul corridor, improving shelter conditions for more than 22,000 individuals.

The videos, which can be seen here, are produced in Arabic with English subtitles. They are especially aimed at populations displaced by Mosul operations. 

“With these short videos, we are engaging with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of disease prevention. It is in the interest of displaced Iraqis as well as the humanitarian community to prevent diseases rather than treat illness. The sealing-off kit training video will contribute to displaced Iraqis constructing more secure shelters when they are not living in camp settings,” said IOM Chief of Mission Thomas Weiss.

Previous CwC videos sponsored by ECHO included fire, electric and kerosene safety, cholera prevention, and waste management guidance. 

There have been relatively modest movements due to Mosul operations over the past five days, with a net increase of almost 1,000 displaced individuals identified between 25-29 November.

The overall number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has remained relatively constant because of an increase in displaced people returning to their homes, as well as the measured pace of military operations, as the Iraqi army and coalition forces strive to protect civilian lives. Additional data verification has also contributed to figures being readjusted.

IOM has tracked more than 73,900 people currently displaced from Mosul since 17 October. The majority of the displaced are from Mosul district (88 percent, around 65,000 individuals) and the districts of Al-Hamdaniya (4 percent, over 3,200 individuals), Tilkaif (6 percent, over 4,100 individuals), Makhmur (less than 1 percent, 300 individuals) and Telefar (over 1 percent, approximately 1,200 individuals).  

Almost 40,000 of the IDPs are from the sub-district of Mosul, the area which contains Mosul city, and are displaced within Ninewa governorate.

For a Snapshot of displacement in near Mosul please go to: 


Dr. Weiss is available for interview in English, French, Spanish and German.

For more information, please contact IOM Iraq.

Jennifer Sparks, Email: jsparks@iom.int, Tel.  +964 750 741 1642 or

Sandra Black, Email: sblack@iom.int, Tel. +964 751 234 2550

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