
More than 82,000 Displaced by Mosul Fighting: IOM

Iraq - More than 82,000 people have been displaced by ongoing Mosul military operations since 17 October, according to IOM Iraq’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Emergency Tracking. This figure represents an increase of more than 4,200 individuals in the past four days (since 2 December). 

IOM teams are on the ground daily in recently retaken areas, including high-risk areas, to assess the needs of displaced people, those who are returning home, and those who have stayed in their locations during military operations.

Amidst chilling winter temperatures in Iraq, the immediate needs of these populations include assistance to stay warm in winter months. For both out of camp populations in newly retaken areas, as well as for those in camps, IOM is providing services including shelter assistance, winter emergency household items, health services and fuel for more than 240,000 people. 

Since the Mosul military operations began, IOM has distributed emergency household items to nearly 100,000 displaced people, host communities and returnees. Distributions included winter kits with blankets, heaters, and mattresses. Recent distributions have taken place in Ninewa, Salah al-Din, Erbil and Anbar governorates.  Emergency Sites are planned to provide safe and warm shelter during the harsh winter season for more than 150,000 people affected by military operations. 

Fatma is a 60-year-old woman who was displaced to a village near Gwer after ISIL occupied her village near Mosul. “We were not able to sleep well for several months. We knew ISIL could come at any time, and we were always ready to leave our home. As we left our village, ISIL stole our three buffalos. Buffalos were our only source of income. This relief kit is very useful because we left everything behind. The carpet, blankets and the oil heater will keep us warm,” she said. 

IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss noted: “Thousands of Iraqis continue to be displaced by military operations in Mosul every week. They have had to flee their homes despite great risk, many on foot, and are in need of comprehensive humanitarian assistance. IOM is working with humanitarian partners and in cooperation the Government of Iraq’s Ministry of Migration and Displacement to provide shelter and other life-saving supplies. We are also rehabilitating four schools in Gwer to support displaced communities."

Since 17 October to date, displacement from Mosul operations stands at 82,068 people; over 46,300 internally displaced people are from the sub-district of Markaz Mosul, where Mosul City is located. 

The majority of the displaced are from Mosul district (88 percent, around 72,300 individuals) and the districts of Tilkaif (around 5 percent, over 4,200 individuals), Al-Hamdaniya (over 3 percent, over 2,800 individuals), Telefar (2 percent, nearly 1,200 individuals) and Makhmur (less than 1 percent, 300 individuals). These displacements are in addition to the more than 3 million Iraqis currently displaced across the country since January 2014.

For the latest IOM Iraq Mosul Snapshot please click here.

Dr. Weiss is available for interview in English, French, Spanish and German. 

For more information, please contact IOM Iraq.

Sandra Black, Email: sblack@iom.int, Tel. +964 751 234 2550 or

Jennifer Sparks, Email: jsparks@iom.int, Tel. +964 750 741 1642