
IOM Supports Government of Iraq with Capacity Building for Returnee Reintegration In Ninewa  

Erbil — With technical assistance from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and support from the Government of Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, the Government of Iraq has developed a referral system operated by the Ministry of Migration and Displacement (MoMD); it links returnees in Ninewa Governorate to local reintegration service providers based on need.
A key step forward for Iraq’s implementation of the Global Compact for Migration and growing national capacity in migration governance, the free and confidential referral system can be accessed by anyone living in Ninewa who has returned from abroad or was displaced due to conflict. It will support sustainable reintegration through a whole of government and whole of society approach, linking people to local services including those that resolve housing problems; provide vocational training; and support to enroll children in schools.
Services are to be provided by state programs, local Civil Society Organizations, national and international NGOs and international organizations. The reach and scale of the system will grow as more service providers join in; there are also plans to scale up to other governorates.
With IOM’s technical support, MoMD has developed a basic electronic case management system, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and trained more than 150 field staff who are responsible for operating the system.
During a series of open days in late June at MoMD offices in Mosul, Hamdaniyah, Sinjar and Telafar, returnees and the wider community were invited to learn about available services, meet local officials in branch offices and ask questions.
“Improving returnees’ access to services as they rebuild their lives is crucial for the reintegration process,” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Gerard Waite. “Through this referral mechanism, MoMD officials will be able to identify relevant services provided by civil society, governmental entities and local or international organisations that can support.”
IOM Iraq’s technical input to referral mechanism in Ninewa is a part of a larger effort to help government institutions build their capacity, improve conditions for sustainable return and reintegration, and strengthen national migration governance in Iraq. The MOMD office in Mosul provides an operational base for a range of new institutional initiatives that will increase Government capacity. The office was built by IOM Iraq in 2020, with support from the Government of Australia.
The referral system represents a significant development in cooperation between MoMD and the government’s Ministry of Interior which oversees the Community Policing network — including Referral Guidance Centres; Women's Legal Counselling Offices; and Housing, Land and Property Assistance Centres. Coordinating the service and resources available under both ministries  means comprehensive support can be provided in a manner that respects each ministry’s areas of expertise.
For more information, please contact IOM Iraq’s Public Information Unit, Email: iraqpublicinfo@iom.int

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