
Assistance Delivered to Mosul after Violent Storm Hits Iraq

On 18 March 2020, a violent storm caused heavy flooding and infrastructure damage in Iraq’s Ninewa Governorate. Photo: IOM/Sinan Shuker 

Erbil – An unusually powerful storm has swept through the Middle East. The storm brought torrential rains that caused flooding in parts of northern and eastern Iraq on 18 March. 

On Friday (20/3) the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Iraq organized a distribution of non-food item (NFI) kits to affected families in Mosul, many of whom are now staying with relatives in safe locations. The kits include blankets, kitchen sets, jerry cans, hygiene kits and plastic sheets. Informational material about managing the spread of the coronavirus was included with each NFI kit.  

Mosul, in Ninewa Governorate, was particularly hard-hit and local civil defense authorities moved quickly to evacuate residents in danger – the city was significantly damaged during the conflict with the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, making it difficult for the remaining infrastructure to withstand the violent storm. It was also reported that a displaced family of five died in Diyala Governorate, eastern Iraq, after their house collapsed from the force of the storm. 

The Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government are currently implementing curfews and preventive measures that restrict movement between governorates, making it difficult to reach affected communities with supplies.  

IOM Iraq continues to work with the local authorities to ensure that humanitarian aid can be delivered and that vulnerable individuals can be assisted. 

The distribution of NFI kits was made possible with support from USAID. 

For more information please contact IOM Iraq’s Public Information Unit, Tel: +964 751 402 2811, Email: iraqpublicinfo@iom.int 

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