
IOM Iraq Community Revitalization Programme Holds Provincial Conferences

April 15, 2016

Iraq - IOM Iraq’s Community Revitalization Programme (CRP) is conducting provincial conferences in 13 governorates across Iraq between February and April 2016.

CRP is a multi-sectoral programme that aims to contribute to stabilization in Iraq by improving the conditions for sustainable economic and social inclusion of vulnerable individuals in communities with significant populations of displaced persons and returnees. Now in its fifth annual phase, CRP is funded by the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).

This week, on 11th April, the Baghdad provincial conference involved Baghdad Provincial Council members, NGO representatives, community leaders and IOM staff. The day-long provincial conferences have also taken place in Babylon, Basra, Dohuk, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Missan, Sulaymaniyah and Thi-Qar. Upcoming Provincial Conferences will be held in Ninewa, Najaf and Kerbala governorates.

The provincial conferences, which mark the culmination of IOM’s community assessment and engagement process over the past five months, are organized in coordination with Iraqi authorities at the central ministerial level – namely the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displacement, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs – and at the governorate and local levels.

The conferences provide a unique opportunity for joint consultations between IOM, government representatives, community members, NGOs and UN agencies to discuss the needs identified in the course of participatory assessments.

With endorsement from government and community representatives, IOM implements Community Assistance Projects (CAPs) to address the priority needs identified in community assessments through interviews and focus group discussions.

During this CRP phase, IOM is planning to implement 49 CAPs with a focus on improving essential infrastructure and services by supporting education and healthcare, rehabilitating electrical networks and water and sanitation systems, and supporting recreational activities.

CAPs play a vital role in the socioeconomic recovery of previously ISIS-controlled towns such as Zummar and Rabia. CAPs can also contribute to mitigating possible tensions in conflict-affected communities, caused by over-stretched public services.

CAPs are carried out in cooperation with community members, who are involved in all phases of implementation. IOM will also enhance renewable energy systems supported under previous projects aimed to assist displaced Iraqis and host communities, such as the provision of solar energy in community infrastructure.

IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss said: “IOM is committed to work together with communities, local government and humanitarian partners in Iraq to identify community-level priority needs and develop and implement projects to address those needs. The ongoing conflict in Iraq has caused or deepened vulnerabilities in many communities, including those hosting large numbers of displaced persons. We thank the US State Department – PRM for their generous support to sustain this essential program to assist Iraqi communities to rebuild and develop their communities’ structures.”

Dr. Riyadh al-Adhadh, Head of Baghdad’s Provincial Council, said: “We need projects that are based on the areas’ needs. Priority should be given to rehabilitating health centers and training their staff, to projects that address the needs of the unemployed and most vulnerable individuals, and to rebuilding schools. We thank IOM for assisting displaced people and the most vulnerable community members.”

CRP assists both displaced persons and host community members. To date, IOM Iraq’s community stabilization projects have improved the lives of more than 140,000 beneficiaries. Program components include individual livelihood support, business development services, psychosocial support, CAPs and coordination of humanitarian information.

In the current CRP phase IOM Iraq will provide more than 2,500 families with individual assistance. CAPs are expected to benefit 90,000 community members and CAPs development will employ an additional 1,000 beneficiaries.

For further information please contact IOM Iraq. Sandra Black, Tel: +964 751 234 2550, Email: or Ola Hawari, Email:

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