
IOM Iraq: One Month into Mosul Military Operations, Over 68,000 Iraqis Displaced

22 November 2016

Iraq - Over one month into Mosul military operations, which began on 17 October, some 68,100 Iraqis are currently displaced from Mosul and adjacent districts (as of 21 November) according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Emergency Tracking.

Over the past four days total displacement has increased by more than 8,300 individuals (since 18 November). As fighting is progressing inside the city limits of Mosul, more individuals have been displaced from inside the sub-district of Mosul.

Movements were especially significant on 19 November, when indiscriminate mortar shelling from ISIL forced approximately 6,120 individuals (1,200 families) from Merkaz Mosul sub-district (center of Mosul) to leave their homes, many of whom were displaced to Khazer M1 camp. This is in addition to 1,080 individuals (180 families) displaced from Merkaz Mosul to Khazer on 18 November and 2,100 more individuals (350 families) from Merkaz Mosul who arrived in Khazer on 21 November.

Also on 18 November, approximately 1,440 individuals (240 families) from Al-Muhalabiya sub-district were displaced to Om Kdor village in Hatra district, Ninewa governorate. In addition to displacement, returns are also taking place: over the last few days approximately 1,050 individuals (175 families) displaced to Qayyara Jadah camp returned to Al-Shura sub-district in Mosul district.

The majority of the displaced are from Mosul district (87 percent, over 59,200 individuals) and the districts of Al-Hamdaniya (6 percent, over 4,400 individuals), Tilkaif (6 percent, over 4,100 individuals), Makhmur less than 1 percent, 300 individuals) and Telefar (less than 1 percent, 60 individuals).  

The vast majority of the displaced are currently within Ninewa governorate (98 percent or over 67,200 individuals) – mostly in Al-Hamdaniya district (49,700 individuals) and in Mosul district (13,300 individuals).

The latest data snapshot on displacement from Mosul operations is available through this link:

“The number of displaced people continues to increase, even as we are seeing more people returning to their homes. Making sure displaced people as well as affected communities are receiving assistance is more critical than ever as temperatures are close to freezing at night,” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss.

The majority of those recently displaced by Mosul operations (78 percent; 53,300 individuals) are currently living in formal camps; 16 percent (10,700 individuals) are in private settings (rented houses, hotels, with host families); 6 percent (4,000 individuals) are in critical shelter arrangements (informal settlements, religious buildings, schools, abandoned buildings); and less than 1 percent (300 individuals) are passing through screening sites.

On Monday, 21 November IOM emergency response teams distributed over 200 non-food item kits and 200 emergency shelter kits, funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO), to displaced Iraqis and host community families in the recently retaken village of Tweiba.

Progress continues in the initial eight sectors of the Qayara Airstrip Emergency Site for internally displaced persons, which will initially accommodate up to 5,000 people: sectors 1 through 5 and half of sector 6 are complete, with a total of 3,000 tents installed. For the other half of sector 6 to sector 8, 2,000 tents have already been procured and will be delivered in coming days. Iraq’s Ministry of Migration and Displacement has contributed 8,000 tents to be installed at the Qayara Airstrip and Haj Ali Emergency Sites.

For further information, please contact:

Joel Millman, , +41 79 103 87 20

Jennifer Sparks,  +964 750 741 1642

Sandra Black,  +964 751 234 2550

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