IOM Assistance to Syrian Refugees and Displaced Iraqis - Funded by the Government of Japan

The crises in Iraq and Syria have caused unprecedented displacement and human suffering. In Iraq alone, there are over 3 million displaced Iraqis and nearly 250,000 Syrian refugees. Efforts to provide for these populations stretches the resources of local authorities and host communities.

Displaced people have a wide range of needs: shelter, non-food items, livelihoods assistance and education support. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Iraq, through the support of the Government of Japan, is providing transportation, livelihoods assistance and provision of emergency relief supplies.

These opportunities, provided in cooperation with the United Nations Humanitarian Country Team, humanitarian partners and local governments, are the sustaining hope for thousands of Syrian refugees and displaced Iraqis. We look forward to continuing these operations to assist the most vulnerable through their displacement.

Dr. Thomas Lothar WEISS
Director-Chief of Mission, IOM Iraq
December 2015