I am happy to be sharing my migration experience! I experienced its dangers and hardships and am now aware that people who migrate know very little about the journey and what to expect when they arrive.

I left Iraq in 2020 with my wife and two children to find a better life in Germany. We travelled through Turkey, Greece and other countries. The journey was fraught with dangers; the scariest part of it was the sea crossing.

In my mind, the Government of Germany would provide me with a job or a source of income or financial assistance; they would provide schooling for my children. However, when we finally arrived, we discovered that we had to share our accommodation. This was a big disappointment and source of tension. We had to share the house with an Afghan family, and the house lacked many essential appliances. I had high hopes for my life in Germany, I wanted our life to improve, but instead we ended up in an accommodation arrangement that made us uncomfortable and that did not cover our needs.

Now that I know all this, if anyone asks me about leaving Iraq, I tell them to carefully consider their decision. The best advice is not to leave Iraq and risk your life on a dangerous journey.

My life in Germany was very different to what I expected. I never thought I would have to share accommodation with another family. My children were happy at school and both were learning German fast, but the lack of private housing was the main reason I chose to come back to Iraq.

I was also looking forward to returning and seeing my friends and family. I did worry about my children’s future, and about how I would sustain them upon my return. I came back in December 2020, and now I am happy I made this decision. I am very proud that my children are going to school here and doing well. They were the main reason I left Iraq, and seeing them getting an education makes me forget about all the hardships we went through. I want them to be successful in the future.

I am now trying to start a new business as I still do not have a source of income. Before I migrated, I used to work in a mobile soup stall, and I was very famous in Basra. I am trying to start the same business again. 

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