My name is Saad Daoud. I own a mini market in Zaafaraniya neighbourhood, Baghdad. I first thought of leaving Iraq at the beginning of 2015. I emigrated to Germany in October that same year to seek treatment for my health issues.

My trip was very difficult. I crossed through Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Austria to finally reach Germany. My trip had many ups and downs, and we went through some scary and dangerous moments, such as the sea crossing and the long walk through the forest.  

The challenges did not end with the trip, though. When I arrived in Germany, I was confronted with the language barrier; I found German very difficult to learn. I also had trouble relating to people and integrating with my classmates in the language school.  

All these difficulties dampened my expectations. I always thought I would find good job opportunities in Germany, but I could not find any because of the many legal formalities involved. I honestly did not expect I would encounter so many difficulties. I even found it hard to find my way through the city. 

Although I have relatives in Germany, I could not adjust there and decided to go back home. I started planning what my life would be like when I got back even before I left. I looked forward to starting from scratch in my country. I had a plan, and I was determined to make it happen. However, when I returned to Iraq in February 2021, I had mixed feelings and many questions running through my head. I wondered how I would adapt to my new life and all the changes that had taken place since my departure.

Coming back meant I was leaving many memories behind, some good, some bad. Some of the good ones were the kindness of the German people, the weather, the health system. The bad ones were from the trip and all the dangers I faced.  

When I came back, IOM helped me open my minimarket so I could support my family and have a business to run.  

Now that I have been through the journey of migration, I would not advise anyone to travel irregularly. Doing so is a risky business that also puts the family at risk. I wish I had spoken German so I could have communicated with people; it would have helped me integrate. If I ever leave again, I would do so regularly, with all my papers in order, to avoid the dangers of irregular migration.  

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SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities